General Information
All 330 seats in the Romanian Chamber of Deputies
Elections for the Senate will occur concurrently.
Chief of State: President Klaus Werner IOHANNIS (since 21 December 2014)
Head of Government: Prime Minister Marcel CIOLACU (since 15 June 2023)
Assembly: bicameral Parliament (Parlament) with 136 seat Senate (Senat) and 330 seat Chamber of Deputies (Camera Deputatilor)
The President is elected by absolute majority vote in up to 2 rounds to a 5-year term, once renewable.
The Prime Minister is appointed by the President and approved by Parliament.
All 136 members in the Senate are elected by proportional representation in single and multi-seat constituencies to 4-year terms.
All 330 members in the Chamber of Deputies are elected by proportional representation in single and multi-seat constituencies to 4-year terms.
In the last election in 2020, the Social Democratic Party won a plurality with 110 seats.
Information for Voters:
Informații Generale / General Information (in Romanian)
Key Deadlines:
Candidate filing deadline: 17 October 2024
Voter registration deadline: Not applicable, voter registration is passive.
Social Democratic Party / Partidul Social Democrat (PSD)
Seats won in the last election: 110
National Liberal Party / Partidul Național Liberal (PNL)
Seats won in the last election: 93
Alliance for the Union of Romanians / Alianța Pentru Unirea Românilor (AUR)
Seats won in the last election: 33
Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania / Uniunea Democrată Maghiară Din România (UDMR)
Seats won in the last election: 21
Socialist Romania / România Socialistă
- Seats won in the last election: 0
Romania in Action / România În Acțiune
- Seats won in the last election: 0
S.O.S Romania / S.O.S. România
- Seats won in the last election: 0
Save Romania Union / Uniunea Salvați România (USR)
- Seats won in the last election: 0
Romanian National Conservative Party / Partidul Național Conservator Român
- Seats won in the last election: 0
National Christian Allaince / Alianța Național Creștină
- Seats won in the last election: 0
United Social Democratic Party / Partidul Social Democrat Unit
- Seats won in the last election: 0
Justice and Respect in Europe for All / Dreptate Și Respect În Europa Pentru Toți
- Seats won in the last election: 0
Independent Social Democratic Party / Partidul Social Democrat Independent
- Seats won in the last election: 0
New Romanie Party / Partidul Noua Românie
- Seats won in the last election: 0
Romanian Ecologist Party / Partidul Ecologist Român
- Seats won in the last election: 0
Patriots of the Romanian People / Patrioții Poporului Român
- Seats won in the last election: 0
Renewal of the Romanian European Project / Reînnoim Proiectul European Al României
- Seats won in the last election: 0
Force of Righteousness / Forța Dreptei
- Seats won in the last election: 0
National Action League / Liga Acțiunii Naționale
- Seats won in the last election: 0
Young People’s Party / Partidul Oamenilor Tineri
- Seats won in the last election: 0
Alternative for National Dignity / Alternativa Pentru Demnitate Națională
- Seats won in the last election: 0
Party of Health, Education, Nature, Sustainability / Partidul Sănătate Educație Natură Sustenabilitate (SENS)
- Seats won in the last election: 0
- Seats won in the last election: 0
Population and Registered Voters:
Population: 19,056,116 (2023 est.)
Registered Voters: 18,286,865 (2019)
Gender Data:
Female Population: 9,833,726 (2023 est.)
CEDAW Status: Signed 04 Sep 1980, Ratified 07 Jan 1982
Female Candidates in this election: Yes
Number of Female Legislators (pre-election): 24 of 136 (18%) in the Senate and 63 of 330 (19%) in the Chamber of Deputies.
Human Development Index (HDI) Position: 0.827, Very High, rank 53 (2022)
Disability Data:
CRPD Status: Signed 26 Sep 2007, Ratified 31 Jan 2011
Projected population with a disability: 3,048,979 (2023 est.)
IFES Resources:
Does IFES have a presence in Romania: No
Election Access: Yes
ElectionJudgments: Yes, 2 judgments