May 10, 2003 Held


Republic of Iceland

Election for Althing (Icelandic Parliament)


Voter Participation

Cast Votes:185,311
Valid Votes:183,172
Invalid Votes:2,139

Vote Share by Party:

Party Seats Won Seats Change Votes

Independence Party 22 - 61,701


Social Democratic Alliance 20 - 56,700


Progressive Party 12 - - 32,484


Left Green Alliance 5 - 16,129


Liberal Party 4 - 13,523


Others - - 2,635

Election Results Modified: Jun 21, 2024

General Information

At stake in this election:

  • 63 seats in the Parliament (Althing)

Description of government structure:

  • Chief of State: President Olafur Ragnar GRÍMSSON
  • Head of Government: Prime Minister Davíð ODDSSON
  • Assembly: Iceland has a unicameral Parliament (Althing) with 63 seats.

Description of electoral system:

  • The President is elected by plurality vote to serve a 4-year term.
  • The Prime Minister is appointed by the president with the approval of the parliament.
  • In the Parliament (Althing), 54 members are elected through an open-list proportional representation system to serve 4-year terms and 9 members are elected by open list proportional representation in multi-member constituencies to serve 4-year terms.***

*** There are six multi-member districts. Each of nine compensatory seats is assigned by the election commission to corresponds to a multi-member district. These seats are awarded to parties from the same open lists in order to make the parties' overall seat shares proportional to their national vote shares. Parties must clear a 5 percent threshold to win these compensatory seats.

Main parties in this electoral race:

  • Independence Party / Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn
    • Leader: Davíð ODDSSON
    • Seats won in last election: 26
    • Seats won in this election: 22
  • Social Democratic Alliance / Samfylkingin-Jafnaðarmannaflokkur Íslands
    • Leader: Jóhanna SIGURÐARDÓTTIR
    • Seats won in last election: 17
    • Seats won in this election: 20
  • Progressive Party / Framsóknarflokkurinn
    • Leader: Halldór ÁSGRÍMSSON
    • Seats won in last election: 12
    • Seats won in this election: 12
  • Left-Green Alliance / Vinstrihreyfingin – grænt framboð (VD)
    • Seats won in last election: 6
    • Seats won in this election: 5
  • Liberal Party / Frjálslyndi flokkurinn
    • Leader: Guðjón Arnar KRISTJÁNSSON
    • Seats won in last election: 2
    • Seats won in this election: 4
  • Other Parties
    • Seats won in this election: 0

Last parliementary election:

  • The last parliamentary election was held on May 8, 1999.

Population and registered voters:

  • Population: 289,521 (2003)
  • Registered Voters: 211,289 (2003)

Gender Data:

·         Female Population: 144,214 (2003)

·         Is Iceland a signatory to CEDAW: Yes (24 July 1980)

·         Has Iceland ratified CEDAW: Yes (18 June 1985)

·         Gender Quota: No

·         Female candidates in this election: Yes

·         Number of Female Parliamentarians: 19 (following the 2003 elections)

·         Human Development Index Position: 16 (2014)

·         Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) Categorization: N/A

Disability Data:

·         Is Iceland a signatory to CRPD: Yes (30 March 2007)

·         Has Iceland ratified CRPD: No

·         Population with a disability: 43,428

Election Modified: Jun 21, 2024

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