General Information
At stake in this election:
- 125 seats in the National Assembly (Milli Mejlis)
Description of government structure:
- Chief of State: President Heydar ALIYEV
- Head of Government: Prime Minister Artur RASIZADE
- Assembly: Azerbaijan has a unicameral National Assembly (Milli Mejlis) with 125 seats.
Description of electoral system:
- The President is elected by popular vote to serve a 5-year term.
- In the National Assembly (Milli Mejlis), 100 members are elected by popular vote to serve 5-year terms and 25 members are elected through a party-list proportional representation system to serve 5-year terms.
Main parties in the electoral race:
- Party: New Azerbaijan Party (YAP)
- Leader: Heydar ALIYEV
- Seats won in this election: 78
- Party: Azerbaijan Popular Front Party (AXC)
- Leader: Vacant
- Seats won in this election: 6
- Party: Musavat Party
- Leader: Isa GAMBAR
- Seats won in this election: 1
- Other Parties
- Seats won in this election: 12
- Independents
- Seats won in this election: 26
Last Parliamentary election:
- -Parliamentary elections last held: November 12 and November 26, 1995
Seats decided in the last election: 124
Population and number of registered voters:
- Population: 7,748,163 (July 2000 est.)
- Registered Voters: 4,241,550 ( 1998 approx.)
Gender Data:
· Female Population: 4,115,891 (2000)
· Is Azerbaijan a signatory to CEDAW: No
· Has Azerbaijan ratified CEDAW: Yes, accession (10 July 1995)
· Gender Quota: No
· Female candidates in this election: No
· Number of Female Parliamentarians: 13 (as of 2000 elections)
· Human Development Index Position: 78 (2014)
· Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) Categorization: High (2014)
Disability Data:
· Is Azerbaijan a signatory to CRPD: Yes (9 January 2008)
· Has Azerbaijan ratified CRPD: Yes (28 January 2009)
· Population with a disability: 1,162,224 (est.)