Oct. 10, 2023 Held

Republic of Liberia
Election for Liberian President


Voter Participation

Cast Votes:1,949,155
Valid Votes:1,834,516
Invalid Votes:114,639

Vote Share by Candidate:

George Manneh WEAH804,087


Joseph BOAKAI796,961

Election Results Modified: Oct 30, 2023

General Information

At Stake in this Election: 

  • The Presidency of Liberia 

Elections for the Senate and House of Representatives will occur concurrently. 

Government Structure: 

  • Chief of State: President George Manneh WEAH (since 22 January 2018) 

  • Head of Government: President George Manneh WEAH (since 22 January 2018) 

  • Assembly: bicameral National Assembly with a 30-seat Senate and a 73-seat House of Representatives 

Electoral System:  

  • The President is directly elected by absolute majority vote in up to two rounds. The President may serve up to two 6-year terms. 

  • In the Senate, all 30 members are directly elected from 2-seat constituencies by simple majority vote. Senate elections are staggered such that, for each constituency, one seat is contested, then then next is contested three years later, then there is a 6-year break, then the cycle repeats. All members serve 9-year terms. 

  • In the House of Representatives, all members are directly elected by plurality vote in single-seat constituencies. Members serve 6-year terms. 

Last Election:

In 2017, George Manneh WEAH (Coalition for Democratic Change) won the presidency in the second round with 61.5% of the vote, defeating Joseph BOAKAI (Unity Party). Voter turnout was 66.8%. 

Key Deadlines:

  • 9 April 2023 for Montserrado, Grand Bassa, Grand Cape Mount, Margibi, Bomi, and Gbarpolu counties 

  • 11 May 2023 for all other counties 

Main Candidates in this Election: 

  • George Manneh WEAH 

  • Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) 

  • Joseph BOAKAI 

    • Unity Party (UP) 

  • Alexander CUMMINGS 

    • Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) 

  • Edward APPLETON Jr. 

    • Grassroots Development Movement (GDM) 

  • Allen BROWN Jr. 

  • Liberia Restoration Party (LRP) 

  • Simeon FREEMAN  

    • Movement for Progressive Change (MPC) 

  • Tiawan Saye GONGLOE  

  • Liberian’s People’s Party (LPP) 

  • Lusinee KAMARA Sr. 

  • All Liberia Coalition Party (ALCOP) 

  • David KIAMU 

  • Democratic People’s Party of Liberia (DPPL) 

  • Alexander KOLLIE 

  • Reformers National Congress (RNC) 

  • Sheikh KOUYATEH 

  • Liberia First Movement (LFM) 

  • Bendu Alehma KROMAH 

  • Independent 

  • Richard Saye MILLER 

  • Liberians for Prosperity 

  • Clarence MONIBA 

  • Liberian National Union (LNU) 

  • Robert Franz MORRIS 

  • Independent 

  • Sara Beysolow NYANTI 

  • African Liberation League (ALL) 

  • William Wiah TUIDER 

  • Democratic National Allegiance (DNA) 

  • Joshua Tom TURNER 

  • New Liberia Party (NLP) 

  • Jeremiah WHAPOE 

  • Vision for Liberia Transformation (VOLT) 

  • Luther YORFEE 

  • Liberia Rebuilding Party (REBUILDERS) 

Population and Registered Voters: 

Gender Data: 

  • Female Population: 2,753,140 (2023 est.) 

  • CEDAW Status: Ratified (by accession) 17 July 1984 

  • Gender Quota:  Yes, for House elections, party lists must be composed of at least 30% of candidates of each gender. 

  • Female Candidates in this election: Yes 

  • Number of Female Legislators (pre-election): 8 out of 73 (11%) in the House of Representatives, 2 out of 30 (6.7%) in the Senate 

Disability Data: 

  • CRPD Status: Signed 30 March 2007, Ratified 26 July 2012 

IFES Resources: 

  • Does IFES have a presence in Liberia: No 

  • Election Access: Yes 

  • Election Judgements: Yes, 5 judgments and 12 resources  

Election Modified: Oct 11, 2023

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