Aug. 9, 2022 Held

Republic of Kenya
Election for Kenyan Presidency


Voter Participation

Cast Votes:14,326,751
Valid Votes:14,213,137
Invalid Votes:113,614

Vote Share by Candidate:

William Ruto7,176,141


Raila Odinga6,942,930

Election Results Modified: Aug 21, 2022

General Information

At Stake in this Election:        

  • The office of the President of the Republic of Kenya 

Government Structure: 

  • Chief of State: President Uhuru KENYATTA 

  • Head of Government: President Uhuru KENYATTA 

  • Assembly: Bicameral parliament consisting of the Senate with 67 seats and the National Assembly with 350 seats* 

*While the Assembly is made up of 349 seats, one is held for the Speaker, an ex-officio member, making a total of 350.  

Electoral System: 

  • The President is elected by qualified majority vote. To be elected, a candidate must win at least half of the votes cast in the election nationwide, in addition to winning at least 25% of the votes cast in 24 of Kenya’s 47 counties. If no candidate wins in the first round of the election, a run-off between the top two candidates will be held within 30 days. 

  • 290 members of the National Assembly are directly elected in single-seat constituencies by a simple majority vote. 47 women are directly elected in single-seat constituencies by a simple majority vote. 12 members are nominated by political parties in the Assembly to represent youth and those with disabilities. All members serve 5-year terms. 

  • 47 members of the Senate are directly elected in single-seat constituencies by a simple majority vote. 16 seats are held by women nominated by political parties based on their elected proportion. 4 seats are nominated by the National Assembly to represent youth and the disabled. All members serve 5-year terms. 

Main Candidates in this Election:  

  • Raila ODINGA 

  • Party: Azimio la Umoja 

  • William RUTO 

    • Party: United Democratic Alliance (UDA) 
  • George WAJACKOYAH 

  • Party: Roots Party 

  • David Waihiga MWAURE,  

    • Party: Agano Party 

Population and Registered Voters: 

  • Population: 55,864,655 (2022 est.)1 

  • Registered Voters: 22,120,458 (2022) 

Gender Data: 

  • Female Population: 26,777,838 (2020 est.)

  • CEDAW: Ratified (by accession) 09 March 1984

  • Gender Quota: Yes, each body has seats reserved for women. Additionally, each party must not be more than 2/3 of one gender.

  • Female Candidates in this election: No 

  • Number of Female Legislators: 75 out of 350 in the National Assembly (21.4%); 21 out of 68 in the Senate (30.9%)5 

  • Human Development Index (HDI) Position: Rank 143 at 0.6016 

  • Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) Categorization: Medium at 0.2157 (2014)

Disability Data: 

  • Is Kenya a signatory to CRPD: Yes (30 March 2007)

  • Has Kenya ratified CRPD: Yes (19 May 2008)

  • Population with a disability: 6,767,279 (2022 est.)10 

IFES Resources: 

  • Does IFES have a presence in Kenya: Yes, Field Office11 

  • Election Judgements: Yes, 312 

  • Election FAQs: Yes13 


1. https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/kenya/#people-and-society 

2. https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/kenya/#people-and-society 

3. https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/_layouts/15/TreatyBodyExternal/Treaty.aspx?Treaty=CEDAW&Lang=en 

4. https://www.idea.int/data-tools/data/gender-quotas/country-view/156/35

5. https://data.ipu.org/women-ranking?month=6&year=2022

6. https://hdr.undp.org/data-center/specific-country-data#/countries/KEN

7. https://www.genderindex.org/country/kenya-2014-results/

8. https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/_layouts/15/TreatyBodyExternal/Treaty.aspx?Treaty=CEDAW&Lang=en

9. https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/_layouts/15/TreatyBodyExternal/Treaty.aspx?Treaty=CEDAW&Lang=en

10. http://electionaccess.org/en/resources/countries/?q=kenya#tab 

11. https://www.ifes.org/kenya

12. https://electionjudgments.org/en/library/?q=(allAggregations:!f,filters:(country:(values:!(ckac0l6wki7))),from:0,includeUnpublished:!f,limit:30,order:desc,sort:creationDate,types:!(%275bfbb1a0471dd0fc16ada146%27),unpublished:!f)

13. https://www.ifes.org/faqs/elections-kenya-2022-general-elections

Election Modified: Mar 10, 2023

Most Recent Elections in Kenya

With Participation Rates