Nov. 30, 2021 Held


Republic of Honduras

Election for Honduran Presidency


Voter Participation

Cast Votes:3,580,527
Valid Votes:3,358,053
Invalid Votes:222,474

Vote Share by Candidate:

Xiomara CASTRO1,716,793


Nasry ASFURA1,240,260


Yani ROSENTHAL335,762

Election Results Modified: Feb 27, 2022

General Information

At Stake in this Election:      

  • The Office of the President of Honduras 

Government Structure: 

  • Chief of State: President Juan Orlando HERNÁNDEZ Alvarado (since 27 January 2014) 
  • Head of Government: President Juan Orlando HERNÁNDEZ Alvarado (since 27 January 2014) 
  • Assembly: The National Congress of Honduras (Congreso Nacional) is a unicameral legislature comprised of 128 deputies. 

Electoral System: [1]

  • The President of Honduras is elected by a simple majority vote and serves for a four-year term.* 
  • The National Congress of Honduras (Congreso Nacional) is a unicameral legislature consisting of 128 seats, in which representatives serve four-year terms. Deputies run for election within eighteen multi-member districts on closed party lists under a proportional representation system. 

*The Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Honduras voided single-term limits on the Office of the President in 2015. No replacement constitutional provisions concerning term limits were installed thereafter. [2] 

Last Election: 

  • General elections were last held in Honduras on 26 November 2017. 

Main Candidates in this Election: [3]

Population and Registered Voters: 

  • Population: 10,107260 (December 2021 est.) [4] 
  • Registered Voters: 5,182,425 (2021) [5]

Gender Data: 

  • Female Population: 5,054,641 (December 2021 est.) [6]
  • Is Honduras a signatory to CEDAW: Yes (signed 11 June 1980) [7]
  • Has Honduras ratified CEDAW:  Yes (ratified 3 March 1983) [8] 
  • Gender Quota: The candidate lists of the political parties must include at least 40% women candidates. Candidate lists in single-member constituencies must include a female principal candidate and a male alternate, or vice versa. A political party which fails to comply will incur a fine equal to five percent of total funding allocated to the party by the state. [9]
  • Female candidates in this election: 2 out of 15 [10]
  • Number of Female Legislators: 27 [11]  
  • Human Development Index (HDI) Position: Rank 132 at 0.634 (2020) [12] 
  • Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) Categorization: Low [13]
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Election Modified: Jun 21, 2024

Most Recent Elections in Honduras

With Participation Rates