Sept. 25, 2005 Held


Republic of Poland

Election for Sejm (Polish Sejm)


Voter Participation

Cast Votes:12,255,875
Valid Votes:11,804,676
Invalid Votes:451,119

Vote Share by Party:

Party Seats Won Seats Change Votes

Law and Justice (Politiol juswisc) 155 - 3,185,714


Citizen's Platform (Platforma Obywatelska) 133 - 2,849,259


Self-Defense Party (Samoobrona) 56 - 1,347,355


Democratic Left Alliance 55 - 1,335,257


League of Polish Families 34 - 940,726


Polish People's Party (Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe) 25 - 821,656


German Minority (Mniejszosc Niemiecka) 2 - 34,469


Others (Others) - - 1,128,334

Election Results Modified: May 25, 2016

General Information

At stake in this election:

  • 460 seats in the Sejm

Description of government structure:

  • Chief of State: President Aleksander KWASNIEWSKI
  • Head of Government: Prime Minister Marek BELKA
  • Assembly: Poland has a bicameral National Assembly (Zgromadzenie Narodowe) consisting of the Senat with 100 seats and the Sejm with 460 seats.

Description of electoral system:

  • The President is elected by direct vote to serve a 5-year term.
  • In the Senat 100 members are elected by majority vote to serve 4-year terms. In the Sejm 460 members are elected by proportional representation to serve 4-year terms.

Main parties in the electoral race:

  • Party: Law and Justice (LJ) / Politiol juswisc (PiS)
    • Leader: Jaroslaw KACZYNSKI
    • Seats won in this Senat election: 49
    • Seats won in last Senat election: 0
    • Seats won in this Sejm election: 155
    • Seats won in last Sejm election: 44
  • Party: Civic Platform / (PO)
    • Leader: Donald TUSK
    • Seats won in this Senat election: 34
    • Seats won in last Senat election: 0
    • Seats won in this Sejm election: 133
    • Seats won in last Sejm election: 65
  • Party: Self-Defense Party / Samoobrona (SO)
    • Leader: Andrzej LEPPER
    • Seats won in this Senat election: 3
    • Seats won in last Senat election: 2
    • Seats won in this Sejm election: 56
    • Seats won in last Sejm election: 53
  • Party: Democratic Left Alliance / (SLD)
    • Leader: Wojciech OLEJNICZAK
    • Seats won in this Senat election: 0
    • Seats won in last Senat election: 75
    • Seats won in this Sejm election: 55
    • Seats won in last Sejm election: 216
  • Party: League of Polish Families / (LPR)
    • Leader: Roman GIERTYCH
    • Seats won in this Senat election: 7
    • Seats won in last Senat election: 2
    • Seats won in this Sejm election: 34
    • Seats won in last Sejm election: 38
  • Party: Polish Peasant Party / (PSL)
    • Leader: Waldemar PAWLAK
    • Seats won in this Senat election: 2
    • Seats won in last Senat election: 4
    • Seats won in this Sejm election: 25
    • Seats won in last Sejm election: 42
  • Party: Other Parties*******
    • Leader: N/A
    • Seats won in this Senat election: 5
    • Seats won in last Senat election: N/A
    • Seats won in this Sejm election: 2
    • Seats won in last Sejm election: N/A

******* The others include the 2 seats reserved in the Sejm for minority groups in Poland.

Last Parliamentary election:

  • Elections for both the Senate and the Sejm were last held on September 23, 2001.

Population and number of registered voters:

  • Population: 38,165,445 (2005)
  • Registered Voters: 30,229,031 (August 2005)

Gender Data:

·         Female Population: 19,666,608 (2005)

·         Is Poland a signatory to CEDAW: Yes (29 May 1980)

·         Has Poland ratified CEDAW: Yes (30 July 1980)

·         Gender Quota: Yes 

·         Female candidates in this election: Yes

·         Number of Female Parliamentarians: 94 (Sejm); 13 (Senate) following the 2005 elections

·         Human Development Index Position: 36 (2014)

·         Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) Categorization: N/A

Disability Data:

·         Is Poland a signatory to CRPD: Yes (30 March 2007)

·         Has Poland ratified CRPD: Yes (25 September 2012)

·         Population with a disability: 5,724,816 (est.)

Election Modified: Jun 21, 2024

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