Sept. 11, 2005 Held



Election for Shugiin (Japanese House of Representatives)


Voter Participation

Cast Votes:69,532,186
Valid Votes:67,811,069
Invalid Votes:1,717,357

Vote Share by Party:

Party Seats Won Seats Change Votes

Liberal Democratic Party (Jiyuminshuto) 296 - 32,518,390


Democratic Party of Japan (Minshuto) 113 - 24,804,787


Komeito (Hoshu Shinto) 31 - 981,105


Independents (Independents) 18 - 3,240,522


Japanese Communist Party (Nihon Kyōsan-tō) 9 - 4,937,375


Social Democratic Party of Japan (Shakai Minshuto) 7 - 996,008


People's New Party (Kokumin Shinto) 4 - 432,679


New Party Nippon (New Party Nippon) 1 - 137,172


New Party Daichi (New Party Daichi) 1 - 16,698

Election Results Modified: May 16, 2016

General Information

Note: In the results above, the seats are the total seats won in the election. The vote counts and percentages represent the single-member district votes.  

At stake in this election:

  • 480 seats in the House of Representatives (Shugi-in)

Description of government structure:

  • Chief of State: Emperor AKIHITO
  • Head of Government: Prime Minister Junichiro KOIZUMI
  • Assembly: Japan has a bicameral Diet (Kokkai) consisting of the House of Councillors (Sangi-in) with 242 seats and the House of Representatives (Shugi-in) with 480 seats.

Description of electoral system:

  • The Emperor is N/A N/A.
  • In the House of Councillors (Sangi-in), 144 members are elected in multi-member constituencies to serve 6-year terms and 98 members are elected by proportional representation to serve 6-year terms. In the House of Representatives (Shugi-in), 300 members are elected in single-member constituencies to serve 4-year terms and 180 members are elected by proportional representation to serve 4-year terms.**

** 180 members by proportional representation in 11 regional blocs.

Main parties in the electoral race:

  • Party: Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) / Jiyuminshuto
    • Leader: Junichiro KOIZUMI
    • Seats won in this House of Representatives election: 296
    • Seats won in last House of Representatives election: 237
  • Party: Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) / Minshuto
    • Leader: Katsuya OKADA
    • Seats won in this House of Representatives election: 113
    • Seats won in last House of Representatives election: 117
  • Party: New Clean Government Party / New Komeito
    • Leader: Takenori KANZAKI
    • Seats won in this House of Representatives election: 31
    • Seats won in last House of Representatives election: 34
  • Party: Japan Communist Party (JCP) / Nihon Kyosanto
    • Leader: Kazuo SHII
    • Seats won in this House of Representatives election: 9
    • Seats won in last House of Representatives election: 9
  • Party: Social Democratic Party of Japan (SDP) / Shakai Minshuto
    • Leader: Mizuho FUKUSHIMA
    • Seats won in this House of Representatives election: 7
    • Seats won in last House of Representatives election: 6
  • Party: People's New Party / Kokumin Shinto******
    • Leader: Tamisuke WATANUKI
    • Seats won in this House of Representatives election: 4
    • Seats won in last House of Representatives election: N/A
  • Party: New Party Japan / Shinto Nippon
    • Leader: Yasuo TANAKA
    • Seats won in this House of Representatives election: 1
    • Seats won in last House of Representatives election: N/A
  • Party: New Party, Big Land / Shinto Daichi
    • Leader: Muneo SUZUKI
    • Seats won in this House of Representatives election: 1
    • Seats won in last House of Representatives election: N/A

****** Party: Leader: Seats won in this election: 4 Seats won in last election: NA

Last Parliamentary election:

  • The last parliamentary election for the House of Representatives was held on November 9, 2003.

Population and number of registered voters:

  • Population: 127,773,000 (2005)
  • Registered Voters: 103,356,879 (September 2005)

Gender Data:

·         Female Population: 65,3429,943 (2005)

·         Is Japan a signatory to CEDAW: Yes (17 July 1980)

·         Has Japan ratified CEDAW: Yes (25 June 1985)

·         Gender Quota: No

·         Female candidates in this election: Yes 

·         Number of Female Parliamentarians: 43 (House of Representatives); 38 (House of Councillors)

·         Human Development Index Position: 20 (2014)

·         Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) Categorization: N/A

Disability Data:

·         Is Japan a signatory to CRPD: Yes (28 September 2007)

·         Has Japan ratified CRPD: Yes (20 January 2014)

·         Population with a disability: 19,165,950 (est.)

Election Modified: Jun 21, 2024

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