Oct. 6, 2019 Held


Republic of Kosovo

Election for Kuvendi i Kosovës/Skupština Kosova (Kosovar Assembly)


Voter Participation

Cast Votes:837,112
Valid Votes:796,380
Invalid Votes:40,732

Vote Share by Party:

Party Seats Won Seats Change Votes

Vetëvendosje! (Vetëvendosje!) 31 - 203,052


Democratic League of Kosovo 30 - 197,702


Democratic Party of Kosovo 25 - 169,211


100% Kosovo Coalition (100% Kosovo Coalition) 14 - 92,149


Serbian List (SRPSKA LIST) 10 - 52,620


Kosovo Democratic Turkish Party 2 - 6,582


Vakat Coalition (Koalicija Vakat) 2 - - 7,077


Ashkali Party for Integration (Partia Ashkalinjëve për Integrim) 1 - - 3,202


Egyptian Liberal Party (Partia Liberale Egjiptiane) 1 - - 5,072


New Democratic Party (Nova Demokratska Stranka) 1 - - 4,077


United Roma Party of Kosovo (Partia Rome e Bashkuar e Kosovës ) 1 - - 992


Democratic Ashkali Party of Kosovo 1 - - 1,818


Unified Party of the Gorans (Unified Party of the Gorans) 1 - 1,155


NISMA - AKR - PD Coalition (NISMA - AKR - PD Coalition) - - 39,495

Election Results Modified: Oct 21, 2019

General Information

At Stake in this Election:       

  • 120 seats in the Assembly of Kosovo

Government Structure:

  • Chief of State: President Hashim Thaçi (since 7 April 2016)
  • Head of Government: Prime Minister, Ramush Haradinaj, resigned on July 19, 2019 after being summoned for questioning by the Specialist Prosecutor's Office in The Hague. He remains as Acting Prime Minister until the October 6, 2019 elections
  • Assembly: Unicameral Assembly (Kuvendi i Kosoves/Skupstina Kosova) with 120 seats.

Electoral System:

  • The President is elected by parliament to a 5-year term.
  • 100 members of the Kosovar Assembly (Kuvendi i Kosoves/Skupstina Kosova) are directly elected through a proportional representation vote with 20 seats reserved for ethnic minorities[1]:
    • 10 seats set aside for the representatives of the Serb community
    • 4 seats for the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities (RAE)
    • 3 seats for the Bosniak community
    • 2 seats for the Turkish community
    • 1 seat for the Goran community
  • All members serve 4-year terms.
  • In August 2019, Lawmakers in Kosovo voted to disband parliament to enable President Hashim Thaci to call early general elections following the resignation of Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj. President Thaci was required to call the election within 45 days.[2]

Main Parties in this Election:

On September 7th, the Election Commission published the official list of the 25 participating parties and coalitions. The official ballot can be found here.  

  • Party: Democratic Party of Kosovo / Partia Demokratike e Kosovës (PDK)
    • Leader: Kadri VESELI
    • Seats won in last election: 39
    • Movement for Unification candidates run inside PDK list.
  • Party: Vetëvendosje (VV)!
    • Leader: Albin KURTI
    • Seats won in last election: 32
    • Alternativa candidates will run inside VV list.
  • Party: Democratic League of Kosovo Lidhja Demokratike e Kosovës (LDK)
    • Leader: Isa MUSTAFA
    • Seats won in last election: 27
    • Albanian Christian Democratic Party of Kosovo (PSHDK) candidates will run inside the LDK list
  • Coalition: Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Social Democratic Party of Kosovo (PSD)[3]
    • Leader: Ramush HARADINAJ
    • Seats won in last election: 24[4]
  • Coalition: NISMA - AKR Coalition[5]
    • Leader: Fatmir LIMAJ
    • Seats won in last election: 9[6]
    • Includes the Social Democratic Initiative / Nisma Social Demokrate (NISMA); the New Kosovo Alliance / Aleanca Kosova e Re (AKR); and the Justice Party / Partia e Drejtësisë (PD).
  • Party: Serbian List / Српска листа
    • Leader: Goran RAKIĆ
    • Seats won in last election: 9

Population and Registered Voters:

  • Population: 1,907,592 (July 2018 est.)[7]
  • Registered Voters: 1,888,059[8]

Gender Data:

  • Female Population: 924,681[9]
  • Is Kosovo a signatory to CEDAW:
  • Has Kosovo ratified CEDAW: No
  • Gender Quota: No
  • Female Candidates in this election: N/A
  • Number of Female Legislators: 38[10]
  • Human Development Index (HDI) Position: N/A
  • Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) Categorization: N/A

Disability Data:

  • Is Kosovo a signatory to CRPD: No
  • Has Kosovo ratified CRPD: No
  • Population with a disability: 280,647[11]
Election Modified: Jun 21, 2024

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