Sept. 9, 2019 Held



Election for Fale I Fono (Tuvaluan House of Assembly )


Voter Participation

Cast Votes:10,202
Valid Votes:None
Invalid Votes:None
Election Results Modified: Jun 21, 2024

General Information

At stake in this election:

  • 15 seats in the Parliament (Fale I Fono)

Description of government structure:

  • Chief of State: Queen ELIZABETH II *
  • Head of Government: Prime Minister Enele SOPOAGA
  • Assembly: Tuvalu has a unicameral Parliament (Fale I Fono) with 15 seats.

* The Queen is represented by Governor General Iakoba ITALELI

 Description of electoral system:

  • Tuvalu is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy. The British sovereign is head of state and is represented by a Governor-General, who must be a citizen of Tuvalu and is appointed by the head of state on the recommendation of the Prime Minister.
  • The Prime Minister is elected by parliament and is head of government. The cabinet consists of the Prime Minister, plus up to four other ministers, appointed by the Governor-General from among the members of parliament, on the advice of the Prime Minister. The cabinet advises the Governor-General who must accept its advice.
  • Parliament is composed of 15 members: two elected every four years by universal adult suffrage from seven electoral districts and one from the remainder. The Speaker, elected by the members, presides over parliament.
  • The constitution provides for the operation of a judiciary and for an independent public service. It guarantees protection of all fundamental rights and freedoms, and provides for the determination of citizenship.

Results of the Election[1]:

Each of Tuvalu's eight districts elects two members of parliament. The elected members are marked in bold with the number of votes received, a * denotes a newly-elected member.

  • Nanumea:
    • Ampelosa Manoa Tehulu (603) *
    • Timi Melei (327) *
    • Matia Toafa (219)
    • Satini Manuella (198)
    • Tipelu Kauani (266)
  • Nanumaga:
    • Minute Taupo (361)*
    • Monise Laafai (366)
    • Otinielu Tauteleimalae Tausi (284)
  • Niutao:
    • Katepu Laoi (235)*
    • Sam P Teo (241)
    • Polikapo Teaukai (231)
    • Iopu Iupasi Kaisala (161)
    • Tavau Teii (119)
    • Itaia Lausaveve (155)
    • Tefiti Telaaka Malau (198)
  • Nui:
    • Puakena Boreham (274)
    • Mackenzie Kiritome (249)
    • Mataio Tekinene (239)
    • Sir Iakoba Taeia Italeli (219)
    • Leneuoti Peau Maatusi (119)
  • Funafuti:
    • Simon Kofe (374)
    • Kausea Natano (355)
    • Tuafafa Latasi (349)
    • Soloseni Penitusi (158)
    • Luke Paeniu (70)
  • Nukulaelae:
    • Namoliki S Neemia (182)
    • Seve Paeniu (199)*
    • Bikenibeu Paeniu (99)
    • Luuni Tinilau (96)
  • Nukufetau:
    • Enele Sopoaga (491)
    • Fatoga Talama (323) *
    • Afelee Falema Pita (273)
    • Valisi Alimau (285)
  • Vaitupu:
    • Isaia Taape (494)
    • Nielu Isake (642) *
    • Sam Panapa (323)
    • Taukelina Finakaso (425)

Main parties in this parliamentary race:*

  • Independent(s): Independents*

* There are no formal political parties in Tuvalu

Population and Voter Registration:

  • Population: 11,147 (July 2018 est.)[2]
  • Registered Voters: 6,008 (2010 est.)[3]

Gender Data:

  • Female Population: 5,636 (2018 est.)[4]
  • Is Tuvalu a signatory to CEDAW: No
  • Has Tuvalu ratified CEDAW: Yes (6 October 1999)
  • Gender Quota: No
  • Female candidates in this election: Yes
  • Number of Female Parliamentarians: 1
  • Human Development Index Position: 85 (2018)
  • Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) Categorization: N/A

Disability Data:

  • Is Tuvalu a signatory to CRPD: N/A
  • Has Tuvalu ratified CRPD: Yes (18 December 2013)
  •  Population with a disability: 1,630 (est.)
Election Modified: Jun 21, 2024

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