May 18, 2003 Held


Kingdom of Belgium

Election for Volksvertegenwoordigers / Chambre des Representants (Belgian Chamber of Representatives)


Voter Participation

Cast Votes:6,936,801
Valid Votes:6,572,198
Invalid Votes:364,612

Vote Share by Party:

Party Seats Won Seats Change Votes

Flemish Liberal Democrats 25 - 1,009,223


Socialist Party - Walloon 25 - 855,992


Reformist Movement (MR) (Mouvement Réformateur) 24 - 748,952


Social Progressive Alternative Party 23 - 979,750


Christian Democrats and Flemish 21 - 870,749


Flemish Block 18 - 767,605


Democratic and Humanist Center 8 - 359,660


Ecologist (Francophone) 4 - 201,118


Others 1 - 334,199


New Flemish Alliance (N-VA) (Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie) 1 - 201,399


Ecologist (Flemish) - - 162,205


VIVANT - - 81,337

Election Results Modified: Jun 11, 2024

General Information

At stake in this election:

  • 150 seats in the Chamber of Deputies (Volksvertegenwoordigers / Chambre des Representants)

Description of government structure:

  • Chief of State: King ALBERT II
  • Head of Government: Prime Minister Guy VERHOFSTADT
  • Assembly: Belgium has a bicameral Parliament consisting of the Senate (Senaat / Senat) with 71 seats and the Chamber of Deputies (Volksvertegenwoordigers / Chambre des Representants) with 150 seats.

Description of electoral system:

  • The King is hereditary.
  • In the Senate (Senaat / Senat), 40 members are elected by direct popular vote to serve 4-year terms and 31 members are elected by indirect vote to serve 4-year terms. In the Chamber of Deputies (Volksvertegenwoordigers / Chambre des Representants) 150 members are elected by popular vote via proportional representation to serve 4-year terms.

Main parties in the electoral race:

  • Party: Flemish Liberal Democrats (VLD)
    • Leader: Karel DE GUCHT
    • Seats won in this Chamber of Deputies election: 25
    • Seats won in last Chamber of Deputies election: 23
  • Party: Christian Democrats and Flemish (CD&V)*
    • Leader: Stefaan DE CLERCK
    • Seats won in this Chamber of Deputies election: 21
    • Seats won in last Chamber of Deputies election: 22
  • Party: Socialist Party - Walloon (PS)
    • Leader: Elio DI RUPO
    • Seats won in this Chamber of Deputies election: 25
    • Seats won in last Chamber of Deputies election: 19
  • Party: Reform Movement (MR)*
    • Leader: Daniel DUCARME
    • Seats won in this Chamber of Deputies election: 24
    • Seats won in last Chamber of Deputies election: 18
  • Party: Social Progressive Alternative Party (SPA)**
    • Leader: Steve STEVAERT
    • Seats won in this Chamber of Deputies election: 23
    • Seats won in last Chamber of Deputies election: 14
  • Bloc: Flemish Block (VL-BLOK)
    • Leader: Frank VANHECKE
    • Seats won in this Chamber of Deputies election: 18
    • Seats won in last Chamber of Deputies election: 15
  • Party: Democratic and Humanist Center (CDH)***
    • Leader: Joelle MILQUET
    • Seats won in this Chamber of Deputies election: 8
    • Seats won in last Chamber of Deputies election: 10
  • Party: The Greens/Ecologist (Francophone) (ECOLO)
    • Seats won in this Chamber of Deputies election: 4
    • Seats won in last Chamber of Deputies election: 11
  • Party: New Flemish Alliance (N-VA)
    • Leader: Geert BOURGEOIS
    • Seats won in this Chamber of Deputies election: 1
    • Seats won in last Chamber of Deputies election: 0
  • Party: Ecologist (Flemish) (AGALEV)
    • Leader: Jos GEYSELS
    • Seats won in this Chamber of Deputies election: 0
    • Seats won in last Chamber of Deputies election: 9
  • Party: VIVANT
    • Seats won in this Chamber of Deputies election: N/A
    • Seats won in last Chamber of Deputies election: N/A
  • Other Parties
    • Seats won in this Chamber of Deputies election: 0

* Formerly the Flemish Christian People's Party.

** Also translated as "Socialist Party Different". Formed an electoral coalition with the Spirit Party.

** Formerly the Christian Social Party.

Last parliamentary election:

  • The last election to the Chamber of Deputies was held on June 13, 1999.

Population and voter registration:

  • Population: 10,318,000 (2003 est.)
  • Registered Voters: 7,570,637 (2003)

Gender Data:

·         Female Population: 5,299,665 (2003)

·         Is Belgium a signatory to CEDAW: Yes (17 July 1980)

·         Has Belgium ratified CEDAW: Yes (10 July 1985)

·         Gender Quota: Yes

·         Female candidates in this election: Yes

·         Number of Female Parliamentarians: 53 (Chamber of Representatives); 22 (Senate) (following 2003 elections)

·         Human Development Index Position: 21 (2014)

·         Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) Categorization: Very Low (2014)

Disability Data:

·         Is Belgium a signatory to CRPD: Yes (30 March 2007)

·         Has Belgium ratified CRPD: Yes (2 July 2009)

·         Population with a disability: 1,547,700 (est.)

Election Modified: Jun 21, 2024

Most Recent Elections in Belgium

With Participation Rates