Dec. 13, 2015 Held

Central African Republic


Voter Participation

Cast Votes:741,056
Valid Votes:741,056
Invalid Votes:None

Referendum Vote Share

Do you support the new constitution?




Election Results Modified: Jun 21, 2024

General Information

Central African Republic: Referendum, 13 December 2016

At stake in this election:

  • This referendum will determine if a new constitution will be drafted to replace the transitional charter currently in place.

Description of government structure:

  • Chief of State: Interim President Catherine SAMBA-PANZA (since 23 January 2014)
  • Head of Government: Prime Minister Mahamat KAMOUN (since 10 August 2014)
  • Assembly: Central African Republic has a unicameral Assemblée Nationale (National Assembly) composed of 105 seats with members serving 5-year terms)

Electoral requirements:

  • The referendum will be decided by simple majority vote.

Information about the referendum:

  • The new constitution will enact several changes to the governmental structure, create safeguards for personal freedoms, and bar members of the interim government from standing in the upcoming legislative and general elections.

Main provisions in the referendum:

  • The referendum will ask voters if they support the new constitution.

Population and number of registered voters:

·         Population: 5,391,539 (July 2015 est.)

·         Registered Voters: 1,954,433 (2015)

Gender Data:

·         Female Population: 2,695,770 (July 2015 est.)

·         Is Central African Republic a signatory to CEDAW: No

·         Has Central African Republic ratified CEDAW: Yes, accession (21 June 1991)

·         Gender Quota: No

·         Female candidates in this election: N/A

·         Number of Female Parliamentarians: 13 (12.38%)

·         Human Development Index Position: 185

·         Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) Categorization: High

Disability Data:

·         Is Central African Republic a signatory to CRPD: Yes (9 May 2007)

·         Has Central African Republic ratified CRPD: No

·         Population with a disability: 808,731



Election Modified: Jun 21, 2024

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