Nov. 19, 2014 Held

Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands

Election for Solomon Islander National Parliament


Voter Participation

Cast Votes:260,797
Valid Votes:260,797
Invalid Votes:None

Vote Share by Party:

Party Seats Won Seats Change Votes

Independents (Independents) 32

Democratic Alliance Party (Democratic Alliance Party) 7

United Democratic Party (United Democratic Party) 5

People's Alliance Party 3

Solomon Islands Party for Rural Advancement (SIPRA) (Solomon Islands Party for Rural Advancement (SIPRA)) 1

Kadare Party of Solomon Islands (Kadare Party of Solomon Islands) 1

Solomon Islands People First Party (Solomon Islands People First Party) 1

Election Results Modified: May 07, 2024

General Information

*Note: Number of valid votes calculated from the voter turnout (89.93%) reported by the Solomon Islands Electoral Commission (SIEC) and the number of reported registered voters.

At stake in this election:    

  • The 50 seats in Solomon Islands’ National Parliament

Description of government structure:

  • Chief of State: Queen ELIZABETH II (since 6 February 1952)
  • Queen’s Representative: Governor General Frank KABUI (since 7 July 2009)
  • Head of Government: Prime Minister Gordon Darcy LILO (since 16 November 2011)
  • Assembly: Solomon Islands has a unicameral National Parliament with 50 seats

Description of electoral system:

  • The Queen is hereditary
  • The Queen’s representative (Governor General) is appointed by the monarch on the advice of parliament, to serve for up to 5-years (eligible for a second term)
  • In the National Parliament, 50 members are elected by popular vote to serve 4-year terms.

Election Note:

  • On Wednesday 19 November 2014, there will be an election for the National Parliament in the Solomon Islands.[i]

Main parties in the electoral race:

  • Party: The People’s Alliance Party (PAP)
    • Leader: James MEKAB
    • Seats won in last election: N/A
  • Party: Democratic Alliance Party
    • Leader: N/A
    • Seats won in last election:
  • Party: People’s Progressive Party
    • Leader: N/A
    • Seats won in last election: N/A
  • Party: National Transformation Party
    • Leader: N/A
    • Seats won in last election: N/A
  • Party: Kadere Pati
    • Leader: N/A
    • Seats won in last election: N/A
  • Party: Pan Melanesian Party
    • Leader: N/A
    • Seats won in last election:
  • Party: People First Party
    • Leader: N/A
    • Seats won in last election: N/A
  • Party: Solomon Islands’ Party for Rural Advancement (SIPRA)
    • Leader: Job D. TAUSINGA
    • Seats won in last election: 3
  • Party: Direct Development Party (DDP)
    • Leader: Dick HA’AMORI
    • Seats won in last election: 2
  • Party: United Democratic Party
    • Leader: N/A
    • Seats won in last election: N/A
  • Party: Solomon Islands Democratic Party (SIDP)*
    • Leader: Steve ABANA
    • Seats won in last election: 14
  • Party: Our Party*
    • Leader: Manasseh SOGAVARE
    • Seats won in last election: 4
  • Party: Liberal Party (SILP)*
    • Leader: Derek ABANA
    • Seats won in last election: 1
  • Party: Labor Party*
    • Leader: N/A
    • Seats won in last election: N/A
  • Party: Rural Urban Party (RUPP)*
    • Leader: Samuel MANETOALI
    • Seats won in last election: 1
  • Party: United Party*
    • Leader: Sir Peter KENILOREA
    • Seats won in last election: N/A
  • Party: National Party*
    • Leader: Francis HILLY
    • Seats won in last election: 1

* These are non-registered political parties and candidates will be running as independents.

Last election:

  • The last election to the National Parliament in the Solomon Islands was on 4 August 2010.[ii] Turnout was 52.36 percent with 234,366 of 447,612 registered voters.[iii] Results can be found here.

Population and number of registered voters:

  • Population: 609,883 (July 2014 est)[iv]
  • Registered Voters: 287,567 (Oct 2014)[v]

Gender Data:

  • Female Population: 11,153,890 (July 2014 est)[i]
  • Is Solomon Islands a signatory to CEDAW: No[ii]
  • Has Solomon Islands ratified CEDAW: Yes (6 May 2002)[iii]
  • Gender Quota:  No.[iv]
  • Female Candidates in this election: N/A.
  • Number of Female Legislators: 1 (2%) of 50 seats in the National Parliament[v]
  • Human Development Index (HDI) Position: 157[vi]
  • Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) Ranking: Not Ranked (latest rankings are from 2012)[vii]

[i] http://www.solomontimes.com/news/solomon-islands-elections-set-for-november-19th/8286

[ii] http://www.electionguide.org/elections/id/1565/

[iii] http://www.idea.int/vt/countryview.cfm?CountryCode=SB

[iv] https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/bp.html

[v] http://www.radionz.co.nz/news/pacific/256324/over-280,000-voters-for-solomons%27-elections

[i] https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ro.html

[ii] https://treaties.un.org/Pages/ViewDetails.aspx?src=TREATY&mtdsg_no=IV-8&chapter=4&lang=en

[iii] https://treaties.un.org/Pages/ViewDetails.aspx?src=TREATY&mtdsg_no=IV-8&chapter=4&lang=en

[iv] http://www.ipu.org/wmn-e/classif.htm

[v] http://www.ipu.org/wmn-e/classif.htm

[vi] http://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/librarypage/hdr/2014-human-development-report/

[vii] http://genderindex.org/ranking

Election Modified: Jun 21, 2024

Most Recent Elections in Solomon Islands

With Participation Rates