Feb. 24, 2019 Held


Republic of Senegal

Election for Senegalese Presidency


Voter Participation

Cast Votes:4,426,344
Valid Votes:4,383,870
Invalid Votes:None

Vote Share by Candidate:

Macky SALL2,555,426


Idrissa SECK899,556


Ousmane SONKO687,523


El Hadj Issa SALL178,613


Madické NIANG65,021

Election Results Modified: Mar 08, 2019

General Information

At Stake in this Election:

  • 165 seats in the National Assembly (Assemblée Nationale)

Government Structure:

  • Chief of State: President Macky SALL 
  • Head of Government: Prime Minister Mohammed Abdallah Boun DIONNE
  • Assembly: Unicameral National Assembly (Assemblée Nationale) with 165 seats.

Electoral System:

  • The President is elected by absolute majority vote to serve up to two 5-year terms. Recent legislation increased the requirements for candidates to run in presidential elections, including securing at least 53,000 signatures from citizens.
  • The 105 members of the National Assembly (Assemblée Nationale) are directly elected by a plurality vote in single and multi-seat constituencies and 60 members are directly elected by a proportional representation vote in single and multi-seat constituencies. All members serve 5-year terms.

Main Candidates in this Election:*

  • Macky SALL
    • Party: United in Hope Coalition / Benno Bokk Yakaar (BBR)
  • El Hadj Issa SALL
    • Party: The Party of Unity and Rally (PUR)
  • Idrissa SECK
    • Party: Rewmi
  • Madické NIANG
    • Party: Madické2019
  • Ousmane SONKO
    • Party: Pastef les Patriotes

* Candidates for the two main opposition parties, the Senegalese Democratic Party (PDS) and the Social Party (PS), have received prison sentences (one of whom was pardoned and is required to pay a fine instead) and were barred from running in this election.

Population and Registered Voters:

  • Population: 16,743,859 (2019 est.)
  • Registered Voters: 6,219,446 (2017)

Gender Data:

  • Female Population: 8,510,638 (2019 est.)
  • Is Senegal a signatory to CEDAW: Yes (29 July 1980)
  • Has Senegal ratified CEDAW: Yes (5 February 1985)
  • Gender Quota: No
  • Female candidates in this election: No
  • Number of Female Parliamentarians: 69 (41.8%)
  • Human Development Index Position: 164 (2018)
  • Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) CategorizationMedium (2019)

Disability Data:

  • Is Senegal a signatory to CRPD: Yes (25 April 2007)
  • Has Senegal ratified CRPD: Yes (7 September 2010)
  • Population with a disability: 2,096,375 (est.)
Election Modified: Jun 21, 2024

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