Oct. 10, 2017 Held


Republic of Liberia

Election for Liberian President


Voter Participation

Cast Votes:1,641,922
Valid Votes:1,553,348
Invalid Votes:88,574

Vote Share by Candidate:

Prince JOHNSONNone


George Manneh WEAH596,037


Joseph BOAKAI446,716


Charles Walker BRUMSKINE149,495

Election Results Modified: Sep 08, 2023

General Information

Liberia: President, 10 October 2017

At stake in this election:

  • The office of the President of Liberia

Description of government structure:

  • Chief of State: President Ellen JOHNSON SIRLEAF (since 16 January 2006)
  • Head of Government: President Ellen JOHNSON SIRLEAF (since 16 January 2006)
  • Assembly: Bicameral National Assembly consisting of the Senate with 30 seats and the House of Representatives with 73 seats  

Description of electoral system:

  • The President is directly elected (in two rounds if necessary) by an absolute majority popular vote to serve a 6-year term.

Last Election:

  • The last presidential election in Liberia was held on October 11, 2011 with a runoff on November 8, 2011. President Ellen JOHNSON of the Unity Party was reelected, defeating main opposition candidate Winston TUBMAN.

Main candidates in the election:

  • Joseph BOAKAI
    • Unity Party
  • Charles BRUMSKINE
    • Liberty Party
  • George WEAH
    • Coalition for Democratic Change
  • Alexander CUMMINGS
    • Alternative National Congress
  • J. Mills JONES
    • Movement for Economic Empowerment
  • Benoni UREY
    • All Liberian Party
  • MacDella COOPER
    • Liberia Restoration Party
  • Prince JOHNSON
    • National Union for Democratic Progress
  • Richard MILLER
    • Liberians for Prosperity Party
  • MacDonald A. WENTO
    • United People’s Party
  • Jeremiah WHAPOE
    • Vision for Liberia’s Transformation

Population and number of registered voters:

  • Population: 4,299,944 (2016)
  • Registered Voters: 2,183,683 (2017)

Gender Data:

  • Female Population: 2,160,776 (2016)
  • Is Liberia a signatory to CEDAW: No
  • Has Liberia ratified CEDAW: Yes, Accession (17 July 1984)
  • Gender Quota: No
  • Female candidates in this election: Yes
  • Number of Female Parliamentarians: 9
  • Human Development Index Position: 177
  • Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) Categorization: Very High

Disability Data:

  • Is Liberia a signatory to CRPD: Yes (30 March 2007)
  • Has Liberia ratified CRPD: Yes (26 July 2012)
  • Population with a disability: 629,350
Election Modified: Jun 21, 2024

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