Oct. 11, 2015 Held


Republic of Guinea

Election for Guinean Presidency


Voter Participation

Cast Votes:4,131,046
Valid Votes:3,951,222
Invalid Votes:179,804

Vote Share by Candidate:

Alpha CONDE2,285,827


Cellou Dalein DIALLO1,242,362


Sidya TOURE237,549


Faya Lansana MILLIMOUNO54,718


El Hadj Papa Koly KOUROUMA51,750


Lansana KOUYATE45,962


Ghandi Faraguet TOUNKARA19,840


Marie Madeleine DIOUBATE13,214

Election Results Modified: Oct 26, 2015

General Information

At stake in this election:

·        The office of President of Guinea

Description of government structure:

·        Chief of State: President Alpha CONDE

·        Head of Government: Prime Minister Mohamed Said FOFANA

·        Assembly: Guinea has a unicameral National Assembly (Assemblée Nationale) with 114 seats.

Description of electoral system:

·        The President is elected by absolute majority vote through a two-round system to serve a 5-year term.

·        The Prime Minister is appointed by the President.

·        In the National Assembly (Assemblée Nationale), 38 members are elected by plurality vote in single-member constituencies to serve 5-year terms and 76 members are elected through a closed-list proportional representation system to serve 5-year terms.*

* In the proportional tier, there is one nationwide district. The National Assembly (Assemblée Nationale) was dissolved in December 2008 following a military coup. Since February 2010, the role of the legislature has been filled by the appointed 155-member National Transition Council.

Main Candidates in the Presidential race:

  • Candidate: Alpha CONDÉ
    • Party: Rally of the Guinean People (RPG)
  • Candidate: Sidya TOURÉ
    • Party: Union for Progress and Renewal (UFR)
  • Candidate: Cellou Dalein DIALLO
    • Party: Union of Democratic Forces of Guinea (UFDG)
  • Candidate: Papa Koly KOUROUMA
    • Party: Generations for Reconciliation, Union, and Prosperity (GRUP)
  • Candidate: Georges Gandhi FARAGUET
    • Party: Guinean Union for Democracy and Development (UGDD)
  • Candidate: Dr. Faya MILLIMOUNO
    • Party: Liberal Block (BL)
  • Candidate: Marie Madeleine DIOUBATÉ
    • Party: Guinea Ecologists Party (PEG)
  • Candidate: Lansana KOUYATÉ
    • Party: National Party for Hope and Development (PEDN)

Population and number of registered voters:

·        Population: 11,474,383[1]

·        Registered voters: 5,211,965 (2013)[2]

Gender Data:

·        Female Population: 5,732,826[3]

·        Is GUINEA a signatory to CEDAW: Yes (17 July 1980) [4]

·        Has GUINEA ratified CEDAW: Yes (9 August 1982)[5]

·        Gender Quota:  Yes[6]

·        Female Candidates in this election: Yes

·        Number of Female Legislators: 25 (22%) of 114 seats in the National Assembly[7]

·        Human Development Index (HDI) Position: 179[8]

·        Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) Categorization: High[9]

Disability Data:

·        Is GUINEA a signatory to CRPD: Yes (16 May 2007) [10]

·        Has GUINEA ratified CRPD: Yes (8 February 2008)[11]

·        Population with a disability: 1,676,404[12]


[1] https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/gv.html

[2] http://www.idea.int/vt/countryview.cfm?id=86

[3] https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/gv.html

[4] https://treaties.un.org/Pages/ViewDetails.aspx?src=TREATY&mtdsg_no=IV-8&chapter=4&lang=en

[5] https://treaties.un.org/Pages/ViewDetails.aspx?src=TREATY&mtdsg_no=IV-8&chapter=4&lang=en

[6] http://www.quotaproject.org/uid/countryview.cfm?country=86

[7] http://www.quotaproject.org/uid/countryview.cfm?country=86

[8] http://hdr.undp.org/en/content/table-1-human-development-index-and-its-components

[9] http://genderindex.org/country/guinea

[10] https://treaties.un.org/Pages/ViewDetails.aspx?src=TREATY&mtdsg_no=iv-15&chapter=4&lang=en

[11] https://treaties.un.org/Pages/ViewDetails.aspx?src=TREATY&mtdsg_no=iv-15&chapter=4&lang=en

[12] http://www.electionaccess.org/en/resources/countries/gn/all/


Election Modified: Jun 21, 2024

Most Recent Elections in Guinea

With Participation Rates