Sept. 28, 2013 Held


Republic of Guinea

Election for Assemblée Nationale (Guinean National Assembly)


Voter Participation

Cast Votes:3,355,442
Valid Votes:3,173,384
Invalid Votes:182,058

Seat Share By Party:

Hover to view number and percent of total seats won by party. Eight largest parties shown, with "others" combined if applicable.

Vote Share by Party:

Party Seats Won Seats Change Votes

Rally of the Guinean People (Rassemblement du Peuple Guinéen Arc-en-Ciel) 53 - 1,468,119


Union of Democratic Forces of Guinea (Union des Forces Démocratiques de Guinée) 37 - 967,173


Union of Republican Forces (Union des Forces Républicaines) 10 - 222,101


Party of Hope for National Development (Parti de l’Espoir pour le Développement National) 2 - 81,041


Union for the Progress of Guinea (Union pour le Progrès de la Guinée) 2 - 54,422


New Generation for the Republic (Nouvelle Génération pour la République) 1 - 25,538

Election Results Modified: Oct 22, 2013

General Information

At stake in this election:

  • 114 seats in the National Assembly (Assemblée Nationale)

Description of government structure:

  • Chief of State: President Alpha CONDE
  • Head of Government: Prime Minister Mohamed Said FOFANA
  • Assembly: Guinea has a unicameral National Assembly (Assemblée Nationale) with 114 seats.

Description of electoral system:

  • The President is elected by absolute majority vote through a two-round system to serve a 5-year term.
  • Prime Minister is appointed by the President.
  • In the National Assembly (Assemblée Nationale), 38 members are elected by plurality vote in single-member constituencies to serve 5-year terms and 76 members are elected through a closed-list proportional representation system to serve 5-year terms.***

*** In the proportional tier, there is one nationwide district. The National Assembly (Assemblée Nationale) was dissolved in December 2008 following a military coup. Since February 2010, the role of the legislature has been filled by the appointed 155-member National Transition Council.

Main parties in the electoral race:

Last Legislative election:

  • The last legislative elections were held in 2002. Elections had been scheduled to take place in 2007, but the term of the National Assembly was increased due to delays caused by a general strike and with issues in setting up the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI). The election has subsequently been repeatedly delayed due to various problems, including funding, issues over voter registration, and a military coup d'etat. In July 2013, the UN brokered a compromise between the government and the opposition, paving the way for the election to occur.


Population and number of registered voters:

  • Population: 11,948,726 (2013)
  • Registered Voters: 4,270,531 (2010)

Gender Data:

·         Female Population: 5,961,340 (2013)

·         Is Guinea a signatory to CEDAW: Yes (17 July 1980)

·         Has Guinea ratified CEDAW: Yes (9 August 1982)

·         Gender Quota: Yes

·         Female candidates in this election: Yes

·         Number of Female Parliamentarians: 25 (following the 2013 elections)

·         Human Development Index Position: 182 (2014)

·         Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) Categorization: High (2014)

Disability Data:

·         Is Guinea a signatory to CRPD: Yes (16 May 2007)

·         Has Guinea ratified CRPD: Yes (8 February 2008)

·         Population with a disability: 1,792,308 (est.)

Election Modified: Jun 21, 2024

Most Recent Elections in Guinea

With Participation Rates